Scientific and technical cooperation between Ukraine and Jordan is very important with significant potential.
It should be noted that the Ukrainian delegations visit Jordan mostly with informational purposes and in most cases are designed to attract Jordanian students to study in Ukrainian institutes and universities. Student's exchange between universities and research institutions of Ukraine and Jordan could provide the necessary impetus for the establishment strong scientific relations between two counties.
In this case, in December 2013 Zarqa University’s delegation visited Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, during which the negotiations were held and the agreement on cooperation in education and collaborative research was signed. In pursuance of the agreement in 2015 the Jordanian delegation took part in a scientific conference on Production technologies of road building materials and problems of modern road construction. In February 2016 a delegation of the mentioned Jordanian Universities visited Kharkiv to negotiate on cooperation in the field of road transport and opportunities for common implementation of international projects. In October-November 2016 KhNAHU management and Zarqa University Professor M.Al-Momani had a meeting in Kharkiv. The sides discussed the ways to support the implementation of the project for creating a racing sports-car for participating the laboratory of fast cars in international student competitions «SCHELL» - Eco Marathon.
In November 2015 Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi Kremenchuk National University and Tafila Technical University signed an agreement on determination the ways for further cooperation between two universities to exchange of visits of the teaching staff, conduct scientific research, conferences and forums. The document will allow to make the exchange of experience and hold collaborative research.
In April 2017, Vice President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological (Dental) Academy M.Dudchenko paid a visit to Jordan, during which he held talks with the Jordanian side on the expansion of scientific and technical cooperation. Also Ambassador of Ukraine met with M.Dudchenko. Interlocutors discussed ways of expanding cooperation in the scientific and educational sphere.
On November 8-11, 2017, Ukrainian delegation took part in the World Science Forum, which was held in Jordan. The participants discussed the role of science in the development of a culture of peace at all levels of society and the potential of science to create mechanisms for promotion peace in the world.
In April 2018, Head of Human Physiology department, Head of International Links department of Pirogov Vinnitsya National Medical University Mr. Mykhaylo Yoltukhivskyy paid a visit to Amman with the aim to discuss the ways of expanding scientific and technical cooperation between countries.
Every year the Embassy assists the Jordanian delegation to participate in international seminars, conferences and scientific congresses, which are take place in Ukraine.
Moreover, the Ambassador of Ukraine regular holds meetings with the leadership of the leading universities of the Kingdom. In particular, in May 24, 2017, he held talks with the President of the German-Jordanian University Natheer Abu Obeid on the development of scientific and educational cooperation. In June 8, 2017, the head of the diplomatic mission met with the General manager of the Civil aviation academy "Sama"/They discussed the possibilities of establishing cooperation with the Ukrainian universities with the aim to train Jordanian pilots. In September 17, 2017, the Head of diplomatic mission held a meeting with the President of Isra University Bassam Malkawi and the Deputy President for International Relations, Dr. H. Abu Rumman. The sides discussed the state of the Ukrainian-Jordanian cooperation in the scientific and educational spheres as well as opportunities for the exchange of experience and scientific cooperation between the Isra University and Ukrainian universities. For the intensification of cooperation in the scientific and educational sphere, the Ambassador of Ukraine was awarded by decoration of Isra University. In November 12, 2017, the Ambassador of Ukraine held negotiation with President of Jordan University Azmi Mahafzah, during which they discussed the expansion of scientific cooperation with Ukrainian universities, in particular with National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". In April 2, 2018, the Ambassador attended the Maan College, which specializes in the training of technical staff and is subject to the Polytechnic University of Balka. During the meeting Ukrainian Ambassador discussed with the college management and its teachers opportunities for enhancing cooperation in the field of science, in particular, the exchange of students and scientists specializing in the construction and maintenance of the railway road, specialists involved in the implementation of alternative energy in the Kingdom.
One of the promising directions of Ukrainian-Jordanian scientific cooperation is cooperation in the field of information technology. With the assistance of the Embassy of Ukraine in late 2015, an active cooperation between national Company “Elex” and Jordanian branch of “Aramex International LTD” was established. In 2016-2018 Jordanian company has started to cooperate with “Elex”, “Perfection” and “IT Kraft” enterprises on software development and quality control for market leaders and companies that claim to leadership in the field of technology. Every years Jordanian delegations paid a several visits to Ukraine. Currently 52 employees of “Aramex International LTD” stay in Ukraine and hold consultation with Ukrainian companies.
During last years, the perspective field in scientific cooperation between Ukraine and Jordan is cooperation in medical science and health care. Kingdom is one of the largest international center of «medical tourism» and takes the first place among Arab countries and the fifth - in the world in this area. A large number of Jordanian doctors (over a three thousand graduating students) received professional education in Ukrainian universities and three thousand Jordanian students continue to study at medical universities in Ukraine. According to Jordanian official information, Ukraine ranks the second position among Jordanian graduates of foreign medical universities. That is why Ukrainian Embassy pays particular attention to expanding cooperation in this field, in particular, by maintaining active contacts with the leadership of the Ministry of Health of Jordan and Association of Private Hospitals.
King Abdullah II visits to Ukraine in 2011 gave a significant impetus to the development of bilateral cooperation in the medical field. As a result of his visit the Intergovernmental Agreement on Cooperation in the field of health and medical science was signed. Jordanian side shows increased interest in expanding mutually beneficial cooperation with Ukraine in this field, in particular by increasing the number of Jordanian doctors who are trained in Ukrainian universities. Another promising form of bilateral cooperation in the health sector can be the exchange of information of mutual interest, exchange of experts for training and consultation on priority areas, to guide Ukrainian medical professionals to work in hospitals of Kingdom. International medical congress of the Association of Russian-speaking doctors of Jordan, in which Ukrainian delegation participating, take place permanently in Amman.
In particular, in 2010 the Ukrainian delegation of professors in higher education institutions (from Lugansk National Medical University and Donetsk Medical University) took part in the 3rd International Congress of the Association of Russian-speaking doctors of Jordan.
During the official visit of the President of Ukraine to Jordan, the Ukrainian leader interested in the latest technologies that are currently being implemented in the health care of the Kingdom. Under the agreements reached during this official visit, in October 2013 the Embassy of Ukraine provided assistance in organizing the Fourth International Medical Congress of the Association of Russian-speaking doctors of Jordan. Ukrainian delegation was headed by the Chief of the State Scientific Institution «Scientific-Practical Center of Preventive and Clinical Medicine» Dr. Dmytro Dyachuk. During his speech at the Congress, the Head of the Ukrainian delegation stressed the importance of Ukrainian-Jordanian cooperation in the medical field.
Ukrainian delegations, led by the Chief of the State Scientific Institution «Scientific-Practical Center of Preventive and Clinical Medicine» Dr. Dmytro Dyachuk and headed by the Head of Cherkasy Regional Council Valeriy Chernyak, met with Executive Director of the Jordanian company «Electronic Health Solutions» H.Lyahham . During the negotiations, the Head of Jordanian companies talked about the progress of implementation in Jordanian hospitals Program «Hakeem» (unified electronic database) and expressed interest in establishing cooperation in this area with the Ukrainian side. Ukrainian representatives spoke about the experience of creating a single national electronic database and expressed readiness to work out bilateral cooperation in this area.
In addition, in October 2013 Ukrainian local doctors and scientists participated in the Fifth Conference of Association of Arabian Orthopaedic and the Ninth Conference of the Jordanian Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons, during which experts in this sphere were able to share their own experience.
In October 2015 the 5th International Congress of the Society of Russian Speaking Doctors in Jordan was held in Amman. The event was attended by Ukrainian and other scientists who made their reports and exchanged their experiences on the latest technologies in the treatment of various diseases.
In April 2016 Ambassador of Ukraine Dr. Serhiy Pasko participated in OIE Regional Conference «Towards the Application of the OIE Standards on Zoning» and given his professional medical experience, the Ambassador also participated in the 2nd International Conference of the Jordanian Association of Cardiac Surgeons and the Arab Association of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery.
In July 2017, with the assistance of the diplomatic mission, the Jordanian pharmaceutical company “Dar al-Dawa” conducted a presentation of its own pharmaceutical products and training for 100 Jordanian doctors in Ukraine.
On November 25-26, 2017, the International Dental Congress was held in Kyiv, where 7 Jordanian dental doctors participated at the invitation of “Implant Company LLC”.
Jordanian dentist S.Abu Gosha received Ukrainian visa for participation in dental implant master classes, which was held by the “Academy of Dental Implantation LLC” from November 15, 2017 till February 15, 2018.
On September 4-7, 2018, 35 Jordanian doctors visited Kyiv with the aim to take part in the presentation of medicines Jerash Pharmaceutical Company. Moreover, in October and November 2018 Ukrainian embassy organized two visits of Jordanian delegations to Ukraine, which participated in the scientific medical conferences. The Diplomatic mission also provided support to Jordanian dentist Dr. F.Ismaili, who participated in the course on aesthetic dentistry on December, 7-9 on the basis of the educational center “Bilyi Hrad”.
Another important area of scientific and technical cooperation is the cooperation in alternative energy sources, particularly solar. In this regard, in December 2010, Ukrainian experts on solar energy technology visited Jordan. Ukrainian corporation «Solar Alliance» presented its development (solar panels) at the Hussein Bin Talyalya Centre for development of renewable energy and research. In addition, the negotiations were held with «Al Huzban Solar Energy Foundation» and the Jordanian-Russian joint enterprise «Alternative Energy Ltd» to launch bilateral cooperation on renewable energy (joint research, manufacture and installation establishment of power generating devices that run on solar power).
In 2014, as a result of the work, in particular of the Embassy of Ukraine, the Board of directors of the National Electric Power Company of Jordan (NEPCO) decided to cooperate with PJSC "Zaporizhtransformator" and selected the winner of the tender for production and distribution of equipment. In 2015, the Embassy provided an assistance in organizing the visit of two delegations of the National Energy Company of Jordan to Ukraine to pass the training the training on using transformer equipment at the PJSC "Zaporizhtransformator".
In 2015, Jordan Governments launched a 10-year plan of economic development (up till 2025), which includes increasing the domestic share in energy mix (from 2% up to 39%) and the renewable energy share (up to 11%) and the nuclear energy share in energy mix (up to 15%).
On December 4, 2018, the Ambassador of Ukraine took part in the opening ceremony of the 5th International Investment Forum for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in MENA. In the framework of the event, Head of Diplomatic mission held talks with Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Jordan H.Zawati, former Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply of Jordan M.Ali, Secertary General of the Arab Renewable Energy Commission M. Al Taani and other high-ranking officials. During the negotiations, the sides discussed the prospects of Ukraine's cooperation with different countries in the energy sector, in particular, the possibility of joint implementation of renewable energy projects in Ukraine and in Jordan and in other countries of the world.
Professor of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, rector of the Institute for Advanced Studies “UKRSTENO”, director of the "Electromechanics" company Mr. V.Mamalyga took part in this Forum. He delivered speech on “Energy Strategy for Arab Countries - Methodology and Design” and “Projects of Renewable Energy”. Mr. V.Mamalyga held a round of negotiation with businessmen on possibilities of cooperation, conclusion of contracts for the implementation of renewable energy projects.
On April 28-30б 2019 Professor of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute V.Mamalyga took part in the International Forum on Renewable Energy in Amman. The Ukrainian scientist presented the energy strategy in the Arab countries, the main problems and challenges, as well as audit and management in the energy sector.
The involvement of Ukrainian technologies and business entities in the implementation of the projects in Jordan energy sector in particular the construction of solar and wind power plants, could become an extra impetus to development of the bilateral relations in the next years.
Embassy of Ukraine in Jordan