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29 October 2020 10:29

Which nationalities can apply to the Embassy of Ukraine in Jordan only if they have residence permit in Jordan?

Republic of Angola

People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

People's Republic of Bangladesh

Republic of Benin

Plurinational State of Bolivia

Republic of Botswana

Burkina Faso

Republic of Burundi

Kingdom of Bhutan

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Gabonese Republic


Republic of Ghana

The Cooperative Republic of Guyana

Republic of Haiti

Republic of Guinea

Republic of Guinea-Bissau

Republic of Equatorial Guinea

An independent state of Papua New Guinea


Commonwealth of Dominica

Dominican Republic

Republic of Ecuador

State of Eritrea

The Federal Republic of Ethiopia

The Egyptian Arabic Republic

Republic of Yemen


Republic of Zimbabwe

The Republic of Iraq

Islamic Republic of Iran

the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Republic of Cabo Verde

Kingdom of Cambodia

Republic of Cameroon

The Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros Islands

Republic of Kenya

Kyrgyz Republic

Republic of Colombia

Republic of Ivory Coast

Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo

North Korea


Kingdom of Lesotho

Republic of Liberia

Lebanon Republic


Islamic Republic of Mauritania

Republic of Madagascar

Republic of Malawi


The Kingdom of Morocco

The Republic of Mozambique


Union of Myanmar

Republic of Namibia


Republic of Niger

Federal Republic of Nigeria

Republic of Nicaragua

Islamic Republic of Pakistan


Republic of Peru

Republic of South Sudan

Republic of Kinyarwanda

Democracy Sao Tome and Principe Republic

Kingdom of Swaziland

Republic of Senegal

Syrian Arab Republic

Republic of Somalia

Republic of Suriname

Republic of Sudan

Republic of Sierra Leone

Republic of Tajikistan

Kingdom of Thailand

United Republic of Tanzania

Democratic Republic of Timor Leste

Republic of Togo

Kingdom of Tonga

Republic of Tunisia


The Republic of Uganda

Republic of the Philippines

Central African Republic

Republic of Chad

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka


 I have a transit flight though Kyiv how long can I stay in the transit zone in Kyiv international airport without a visa?

You can stay Kyiv international airport without a visa for up to 24 hours. But if you need to go out from the transit zone you will have to apply for a visa to the Embassy of Ukraine to Jordan in advance.

If you want to go out from the airport (for hotel, excursion etc.) you have to apply for a transit visa (if you are holder of a Jordanian passport) - for details about how to apply for a transit visa read VISA section above.

 In which cases can I obtain an urgent Ukrainian visa?

For foreigners who are citizens of the states listed below the urgent visa can be granted by consular institution of Ukraine in the country of their temporary or permanent residency only in exceptional cases: 

1) in cases of the need to ensure interests of Ukraine in the field of foreign and domestic policy, or 

2) in cases which have a humanitarian character:

1. The Algerian People's Democratic Republic

2. Republic of Angola

3. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

4. People's Republic of Bangladesh

5. Republic of Benin

6. Republic of Botswana

7. Burkina Faso

8. Republic of Burundi

9. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam

10. Gabon Republic

11. Islamic Republic of Gambia

12. Cooperative Republic of Guyana

13. Republic of Ghana

14. Republic of Guinea

15. Republic of Guinea-Bissau

16. Republic of Equatorial Guinea

17. Independent State of Papua New Guinea

18. Republic of Djibouti

19. State of Eritrea

20. Federated Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

21. Arab Republic of Egypt

22. Republic of Yemen

23. Republic of Zambia

24. Republic of Zimbabwe

25. Republic of Iraq

26. Islamic Republic of Iran

27. the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

28. Republic of Cape Verde

29. Republic of Cameroon

30. Republic of Kenya

31. Kyrgyz Republic

32. Union of the Comoros

33. Republic of the Congo

34. Democratic Republic of the Congo

35. Korean People's Democratic Republic

36. Republic of Côte d'Ivoire

37. The Kingdom of Lesotho

38. Republic of Liberia

39. The Republic of Lebanon

40. The State of Libya

41. Islamic Republic of Mauritania

42. Republic of Madagascar

43. Republic of Malawi

44. Republic of Mali

45. Kingdom of Morocco

46. Republic of Mozambique

47. Republic of Namibia

48. Republic of Niger

49. Federated Republic of Nigeria

50. Islamic Republic of Pakistan

51. Palestine

52. Russian Federation

53. Republic of South Sudan

54. Republic of Rwanda

55. Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe

56. Kingdom of Swaziland

57. Republic of Senegal

58. Syrian Arab Republic

59. Federal Republic of Somalia

60. Republic of the Sudan

61. Republic of Sierra Leone

62. Republic of Tajikistan

63. United Republic of Tanzania

64. Togolese Republic

65. Kingdom of Tonga

66. Tunisia Republic

67. Republic of Uganda

68. Central African Republic

69. Republic of Chad

70. The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

 How much time does it take to receive a visa?

Ordinary: up to 10 working days from the date of submitting a visa application package. In case of necessity of additional consideration of the application, the procedure can be extended for up to 30 working days.

Urgent: up to 5 working days from the date of submitting a visa application package

How consular fees are paid?

The fees are paid in any branch of Arab Bank only after a consular employee of the Embassy checks full package of required documents and approves it and issues a directive for the payment. Bank receipts after the payment are submitted in original with copies.

 How much time does it take to legalize official documents in the Embassy?

Non-urgent procedure is throughout 3 working days – the first day is not taken into account – the fee is 50 USD per a document, urgent procedure – the documents are legalized on the same day, the fee is 100 USD per a document.

 If the document which I want to legalize in the Embassy doesn’t belong to me how can I submit it for a legalization?

The documents from representatives of persons can be submitted for legalization in the Embassy only on the basis of a power of attorney from a holder of the document.

 If the document which I want to legalize in the Embassy belongs to the company how can I legalize it?

Official documents from companies can be submitted to the Embassy for legalization on the basis of an official letter from the company with a request to legalize it and indication of the person authorized to submit the documents for legalization.

What's the procedure of immigration to Ukraine?

Permit for immigration to Ukraine can be granted to the foreigners and stateless persons, who according to the Ukrainian legislation have the grounds to immigrate to Ukraine. The mentioned grounds are listed in the Article 4 of the law of Ukraine “On immigration”.

 Immigration permit is granted within an immigration quote determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the prescribed procedure to the following categories of immigrants:

1) scientists and cultural workers whose immigration corresponds to the interests of Ukraine;

2) highly qualified specialists and workers who are needed badly for the Ukrainian economy;

3) persons who made an investment into the Ukrainian economy by foreign currency on the amount not less than 100 000 USD. Such an investment should be duly registered in accordance with the prescribed procedure;

4) persons who are either brother or sister, grandfather or grandmother, or grandchild of the Ukrainian national;

5) persons who previously possessed the Ukrainian citizenship;

6) parents / spouse of the immigrant and his/her minor children;

7) persons who continuously resided in Ukraine during three years from the day when the status of refugee or asylum were granted to them, as well as their parents, spouse, minor children residing with such persons.

 Immigration permit beyond the quote is granted to the following persons:

1) one of the spouses if another spouse is the Ukrainian national and marriage between them was registered more than two years ago, children and parents of the Ukrainian nationals;

2) persons who are guardians or trustees of the Ukrainian nationals or are under the guardianship of the Ukrainian nationals;

3) persons who have the right to become a citizen of Ukraine on the basis of territorial origin;

4) persons whose immigration is a state interest for Ukraine;

5) foreign Ukrainians, the spouse of such foreign Ukrainians, their children if they stay jointly in Ukraine.

According to the Article 9 of the law “On Immigration”, the applications for immigration permit should be submitted:

1) by the persons who permanently reside abroad – to the Ukrainian diplomatic and consular missions at the place of permanent residence;

2) by the persons who stay in Ukraine on legal grounds – to the authorized authorities at the place of residence (namely to the concerned regional divisions of MIA of Ukraine).

An application for immigration permit should be submitted personally by the applicant to the respective state authority. In the case of reasonable excuse (sickness of the applicant, natural disaster etc.) the application can be sent by post or submitted by another person with notary attested authorization letter for this purpose.

An application for immigration permit in favor of minors as well as incapable persons can be submitted by their legal representatives.

If one of the parents immigrates with minor children, he (she) should provide a notary attested statement from his spouse stating that this spouse has no objection against immigration of children with the second parent. If such consent could not be given, the parent should obtain an official order from the concerned authorities allowing children to stay with this parent. Such an order should be legalized by consular post of Ukraine unless other is prescribed by the international Treaty of Ukraine.

The following documents along with an application should be submitted for immigration permit:

1) copy of identification document (document confirming citizenship or status of stateless person);

2) three photos 3.5 x 4.5 cm.;

3) document containing information on place of residence (in Ukraine and abroad);

4) documentary information on family composition (copies of birth certificate, marriage certificate, adoption or guardianship documents etc.);

5) medical document confirming that the person does not suffer from chronic alcoholism, toxicomania, narcomania or infection disease list of which is defined by concerned central body on health issues (this does not relate to the persons mentioned in clauses 1, 3, section 3, article 4 of the law “On Immigration”).

Persons who permanently reside abroad should submit a police clearance certificate along with the immigration permit application (this does not relate to the persons mentioned in clauses 1 and 3, section 3, Article 4 of the Migration Act of Ukraine.

The documents issued by the competent authorities of the foreign states are subject to legalization unless otherwise is prescribed by the international treaties of Ukraine. Copies of such documents as well as written confirmation of consent for immigration and guaranties from the inviting persons should be notary attested. The documents which data can be changed should be submitted within 6 months from the date of issuance.

If any fees are applied by the Ukrainian legislation for the formalities related to granting immigration permit, the document confirming payment of such fees should be attached to the application for immigration permit.

In case if any of the documents defined by the law of Ukraine is not submitted an application for immigration permit can not be accepted.

Whereas it is necessary and does not contradict with the law of Ukraine the concerned competent authorities handling migration issues may request other documents to specify the grounds for issuance of immigration permit and may invite the applicants or other persons for interview.

The processing time for application shall not exceed 1 year from the date when such application was submitted.

The rules of entry to Ukraine and issuance of Certificate for Permanent Residence in Ukraine.

Diplomatic or consular mission of Ukraine in respect of the person, who permanently resides abroad and obtained immigration permit, issues immigration visa which is valid within 1 year from the date of issuance. Such person entries the Ukrainian territory according to the rules determined by the Ukrainian legislation.

After arriving to Ukraine the immigrant should submit an application for obtaining Permanent Residence Certificate (PRC) is the document which confirms the right of the foreigner or stateless person to permanently reside in Ukraine) to the concerned regional migration authorities at the place of immigrant’s residence. A copy of applicant’s passport containing immigration visa and a copy of immigration permit should be attached.

Permanent Residence Certificate shall be issued within 1 week from the date of receiving the application by concerned immigration authorities.

Permanent Residence Certificate for the person who legally stays in Ukraine and obtained immigration permit shall be issued by concerned immigration authorities at the place of his/her residence within 1 week after receiving an application.

How to get a Criminal Record Certificate for the period of time spent in Ukraine?

In order to get the criminal record certificate from Ukraine an applicant should address the Embassy in person and fill in relevant forms (Note: the forms are to be filled in Ukrainian).

A valid passport is required as an ID proof and should be presented on the day of application.

Also, the applicants are expected to provide the Embassy with the exact address of the applicant’s former residence address in Ukraine.

The consular fee to be paid is 30 USD, applications are processed within 1-1/5 months average.

The Embassy will be in position to issue respective document after the required data will be received from Ukraine’s related authorities.

Useful contacts


Offices for Translation

From Arabic into Ukrainian:


  • "Al-Sahel"

Tel: +9625540520

Mobile: +962777675929 / +962795505869

Email: [email protected]

2. "Summit"

Mobile: +962798944302

Tel: +96265885214

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